What People are Saying About Sera.
News from around the web.
“Cahoone has lost none of her easygoing approachability along the way; her songs still amble sweetly and gently, propelled by a voice that radiates kindness. But, starting with ‘Always Turn Around,’ From Where I Started tackles personal realities in ways its predecessors generally didn’t.”
“The singer-songwriter writes intimate tunes full of lulling melodies and complicated grace, as heard in ‘Better Woman.’”
“‘Baker Lake’…[is] a stunning and intimate piece, a letter to a lover that nods to deep pain and ambivalence yet is confident that redemption is still within the bounds of possibility. ”
“Singer-songwriter Sera Cahoone, whose reflective songwriting posture and moony, mellow lilt have made her a big draw in the alt-country scene of the Pacific Northwest, reverses that dehumanizing process in the song ‘Ladybug,’ a melancholy twang-pop number from her upcoming album From Where I Started.”
“Written by Nakayama, Cahoone takes on the lead vocals. It’s a winning combination, with Nakayama’s blissful country arrangement perfectly suiting Cahoone’s daydream croon. Piano keys clank against a smattering of acoustic guitar flourishes and tastefully restrained drumming.”